Friday, December 24, 2010

Spaghetti Song Translation

Panettone Citron Pre

Thinking about Christmas, food-pairing concept leads ahead the cake, wonderful sweet Milan.

Panettone is a miracle of the white and should be eaten as is, and not without candied fruit, raisins, etc. without. Candied fruits and raisins are its good! To use this version only peel and candied citron.

It is definitely not a quick recipe, but you can not even difficult to define. Just one day.
I did yesterday, so that during the previous night could be hung ... as we shall see ... and tonight will be the crowning of the Christmas Eve dinner!

If you do not have the springform pan for the cake you can buy one like that that are on the cake purchased paper. E 'on sale to the best supermarkets and specialty stores in the paper and its derivatives. Buy one from a pound.


500 g of a mixture of 50% of flour 00 and Manitoba.
A cube of yeast
50 ml of milk
5 g of salt
160 g a knob of butter +
160 g of sugar
4 whole eggs and 3 egg
70 g of candied citron
The zest of a lime (instead of a lemon)
100 g of raisins.


Put the raisins to soak in water or, if you will, in a Marsala wine type.

Warm the milk and melt the cube of fresh yeast with a teaspoon of sugar. I recommend the milk is warm, not hot or kill the yeast! Add 100 g of flour mixture and work until you get a loaf of dough elastic consistency.

Cover with lid or foil, wrap in a towel, bring a heater and wait for an hour.

Add in that the dough, working well, 60 g sugar, 200 g of flour, two eggs and 60 g of butter at room temperature.
again covering, wrap, approached the heater and wait for two hours.

incorporate the latest ingredients in this order: two eggs and three egg yolks, 200 g of flour, remaining sugar, salt, butter, candied fruit, drained raisins and vanilla. For each new added ingredient follows a beautiful blending session to ensure a uniform result and worked.

Cover, wrap and closer to the heater. Let go another two hours.

Work briefly and the dough, forming a ball, place it into the mold.

Cover and place in warm about two hours, the mixture must reach the edges of the mold.
Let the air a quarter of an hour, so that the surface becomes drier and incidetevi a cross.
Cut remaining butter and place in the center.

Place the cake on the lowest shelf of the oven, along with a small bowl with water, so the cake does not dry out too much during cooking. Bake
10 ' to 200 degrees.
Reduce to 190 degrees and hold other 10 '.

Ultimate atria 30 ' firing at 175/180 degrees.

removed from the oven, devised a way to turn it over and let it cool upside down, in my case, all night. You can not avoid because ribaltaro all'nterno the dough is pleasantly soft and airy and we have to fight hard against the force of gravity it'll lump ... a bit 'as women do after 25.
I've stuck to the base with bamboo skewers and I have supported for a stack of glasses. Locked in a pantry is a necessary, since I have three cats ... very yummy and very polite

the next day will be wonderful ... I hope to wait until dinner!

Merry Christmas!



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