Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Harry Potter Scarf Where To Buy Toronto

to thank all the generous spoke at the First Beneficial Cocktail ...

Sunday evening, as we all know why I did not do anything but repeat it until you're exhausted, took the first drink beneficial to dinner organized by Frank Shanty and Seva non-profit organization to support the project up to accompany Mother and Child degree in Nursing at least 34 orphan girls of Kerala, a region in southern India.

The evening was, thanks to you, a true success! It is eaten

He drank

We bought our Christmas presents for some items of Indian handicrafts.

We have been in the company

In particular, I am pleased with the outcome of the auction of cakes produced by me and the ladies have taken the cocktail.

The proceeds of the total membership, auction and shopping, it was, I am proud of 511 €!

To all those who generously contributed in every way, I extend my THANKS!

A Loretta, Margaret, Elisabeth, Mrs Mina, Mrs. Emily, Frances, Mrs. Maximilian, pastry priceless, thanks!

Laura, who took great pictures and you can see here, thanks!

to Francis and Clara Seva Shanty Onlus, thanks for your presence, testimony and ... for the beautiful silk scarves that you brought!

To all our friends who have spent a few hours of their Sunday to a good cause, thank you, thank you very much!

say the inimitable Mariah Carey: I'm Overwhelmed with Gratitude!


Photo : thanks to Laura Badiini


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