Sunday, December 12, 2010

Connect Headset To Telephone

burritos fried pastry with dates and vanilla sauce and aroma of roses

Dear readers ... here we come! Today's the day! The cocktail starts at 18.00 Beneficent! At home we got up very early, but before plunging into preparations for fish, I want to relax posted the last recipe of India (for now) I have prepared. This is a delicious sweet and a little 'heat, but now we are under the party and sent back to January 7 of guilt and the gym!

I made dumplings made with pastry dough and I used that claim to be pastry but it is not the Buitoni. It looks like a slut, but for this recipe is perfect. Inside, the chopped dates. Accompanies all type pastry cream flavored with vanilla, but more dense and rose water ... not the one for the face, I recommend! That is not edible! You can buy it for several € dell'Auchan ward ethnic or spend a few cents per ethnic supermarket that I have already mentioned: the clothing, of course, is less elegant ... but the result is the same!

Ingredients for four

A roll pastry Buitoni
A pack of dates (which is worth spending a little something more beautiful but assucurarseli soft. Fresh ones would be ideal, that you will always wait to eat now ... I'm not able)
A vanilla bean, vanilla ... but in his absence is not the same. The best vanilla the world is the one I bought in Polynesia, including that of Bali is not bad, while that of Africa: Zanzibar, for example, I do not like, it is dry, such as the ones we buy here, seems made of plastic, the selling at a price that embarrassing, I am ashamed for them. Instead, the Polynesian is soft, huge, looks like a jujube, we sell the seeds in blacks without risk of detaching a finger with a knife as with those in the supermarket ....
Rose water food
2.5 dl milk 4 eggs
50 g of flour
70 g sugar

Preparation Prepare the cream. Place the vanilla pod, recorded for all to its length, in a saucepan with the milk and bring to a boil. Turn off without removing the pod. Fitted with a whisk eggs with sugar. Slowly, add the flour and make it all perfectly even. Only now, removing the pod and always working to whisk, stir in the milk. Pass it briefly over the flame, without stirring with a whisk, to give it a thick, dense texture. Let it cool and just before serving add the rose water. Do not add the in cooking because I fear that the delicate aroma not stand the heat. Place in refrigerator.
Remove the core from dates and chop them coarsely with a knife.
Use a glass to get the pastry circles, of course, if you have a pastry rings is better. Put about a teaspoon of dates in the circle and close, forming half-moons and making sure the dough is well pressed.
Heat oil and dip the crescents until browned on both sides. Dry with paper towels and serve immediately, accompanied by the sauce. The hot-cold contrast is delightful and the set of aromas in the mouth opens and climbs into the nose from inland ... is gorgeous, the final of an important dinner!

Bon appetit!


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