Friday, December 31, 2010

Thing To Put In Shoes Taller


This photo contains full facts

the festivities for the arrival of this 2011
heels of pizza
abandoned on the seats of my car
dawn filtering through the windows with a stunning
him happy (the photo is no , but I guarantee that there is ...)

good 2011 to all

Pityriasis Rosea With Strep

radicchio risotto with white truffle cream cheese and black

recently given period, are in the mood to take stock. I do not know if you aim for the reckless optimism, or give in to the retro charm but a little 'trivial self pity. And then, have you ever noticed? When everything in life seems perfect sense of dissatisfaction comes a knocking at the gates of complacency creeps in and you doubt that, perhaps, you might want something more. Annoying questions.
I just have to, like when I invent a dish, try to balance all the flavors and textures, hoping that the harmony of flavors without too many twists efforts and most enjoyable and balanced, sober and with its own beauty.

Year's Eve is one of those occasions that makes an annoying itch. The idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating the big smile comes from: I do not have fifteen years! Do not do anything annoys you: I have not yet eighty mica! So the solution is more interesting gourmand get some delicacies to eat with their hands at home.
will spend a pleasant evening and then very very quiet in my house with friends Robert and Loretta. Loretta will prepare his famous ham and cheese crepes with mushroom sauce, so I had to make do and find something that would be the height of a delicious dish, and run-in. All'Ipercoop I was pondering what to cook when I found myself faced with a great basket of white truffles! The rest came by itself.
will produce a risotto with vegetable stock and the previously cooked radicchio and shake. Serve and season with a Taleggio cheese sauce flavored with a generous sprinkling of truffles. I served up the dish a couple of dear friends who were so sporting to taste a brand new recipe. I must admit that the experiment did not need corrections and that the dish you like, the second dose!
So here's to you, with my affectionate wishes for a good new year, the last recipe of 2010.

Serves 4

2 cups of rice
100 g taleggio already cleaned its crust
A medium sized round red radish
Garlic Oil
Truffle (maybe the flavored oil)
white wine to evaporate (I used a prosecco)
vegetable broth. All'Esselunga I found an organic vegetable broth powder that does not completely suck.


Finely chop the radicchio and place in a pan on high heat with garlic and olive oil. Sprinkle a little salt to facilitate the release of water from radicchio.

Cover, lower the heat and stir every few minutes. When he has completely changed color ee leaves have lost their tone is ready. I love not overcook the vegetables. We try to impose a death fast radicchio.
Once cooked blend all season with black pepper.

Prepare risotto: Preheat a frying pan. Avoid like the plague in Teflon pans. Indeed, since we are all throw away. Usatene a steel or ceramic, never run out. Put in hot pan a knob of butter and rice. Toast a few seconds then pour half a glass of prosecco. When the alcohol has evaporated, pour the cream of radicchio, and continue to baste with broth until it reached the consistency of cooking you prefer. As always, we avoid the excesses: crunchy and sticky are to be avoided.

taleggio The sauce is easily prepared by melting at low heat the cheese in a drop of milk.

When loose grate the truffle. This takes a moment of silence. First, because laugh as you are holding twenty or thirty of € pellet diameter irrelevant, and secondly because you are about to unleash an irresistible aroma, the father of all food smells.

dose Serve sauce over rice and colatevi.

fat cheese and sour radish facts seem not to allow the nose and never gives his solemn blessing to the union. If you do not like this dish you do not like anything.

Happy New Year and that your life is full of tempting new flavors and old reassuring.


Women Safe Household Lube


red underwear I have prepared well
the rules

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Leg Numbness Above Knee


I state that I do not particularly like coffee.
I drink a little, but when it happens, I want it B uono, yes, with capital B!
My husband loves it instead, and he likes to drink it at every opportunity, even at night.
I do not know how he does, I would not sleep any more ... ha ha! But
common myth that coffee makes people nervous and sleepless.
I know people who drink in large quantities and are sleeping like angels ... Maybe it's just a matter of habit?
course, as with all things, best not to overdo it ...
I tried many times to make coffee, but for how hard I tried, it always seemed that there was a problem. Once
too heavy, too slow when ...
and never thick and fragrant, as be !
is not easy to make coffee.
If too thick, it gives a rat.
If it is too clear, transparent, non-coffee gives ...
So I watched carefully as my husband is a coffee, and I finally got it!
seems like a good show it to you, if you want to try ...

Each of us has different preferences about the aroma of coffee.
There are many brands on the market and many mixtures.
I prefer that produced and packed in my town, where we have a roasting plant: the legendary SAICAF Coffee!
The mixture I use is the Classic, which is cleverly composed of two popular varieties of coffee in the world: Arabica (delicate and sweet, intense flavor) and Robusta (give body to the bar).
The combination of these two qualities imparts a unique, typically Italian, which is ideal to make a coffee drink for the good morning, and hospitality. But whatever your
mixture of choice, know that to make a B uon coffee, you must follow the rules.
Follow the instructions!
First you need a good coffee machine.
The ideal is the classic " Moka coffee," not one of those from "home-made espresso "..... I have a Bialetti
with the base power, but with this method, the coffee is excellent, even if done on the gas.
The coffee pot is always kept clean and dry, ready for use.
If it is not used frequently, better keep it closed NOT , alrimenti could take a bad smell.
If you have a new coffee maker, make coffee, as you will, at least a couple of times, but throw it! Will only serve to pull the metal taste away ...

When filling the boiler, we must maintain the water level below safety valve.
More water makes the coffee too liquid !
Then we fill the funnel of ground coffee, beautiful ridge.
Pigiamo just with the back of the spoon, then put it a little, to form the dome.
Do not panic, closing the coffee, will settle everything!
close perfectly, tighten the top to the base, and turn on the stove .. but we remain with our arms folded, waiting!

In a large bowl, a mug for example, put a heaping tablespoon of sugar to two cups of coffee.
For example, we have to prepare a coffee pot with 6? need 3 teaspoons of sugar.
attention now!
The first dense stream of coffee, which comes out of the coffee ....

... We will put it in a larger cup, where we put the sugar.

Using a spoon, begin to work the sugar and the few drops of coffee.
Mix thoroughly, and slowly begins to form a delicious creamy sauce.

more mixed, more the creamy sauce is clear, soft and fluffy.

Meanwhile, the coffee comes from coffee ... Feel the smell?
not wait to come out completely!
Turn off the gas when the coffee comes with the foam, nice thick and creamy.
If we wait again, gets too much liquid!
In this case, my father calls him in Bari "acquaccjumm" ..
Do not ask me the literal translation! I only know that he means that is liquid and clear, like ... "dirty water" .. ah ah!
Stir into the pot already, with a spoon, the most good coffee is below!

We have about 1 / 2 teaspoon of creamy froth into the cups, then if you want it sweeter, you can always add more sugar, except ...

Pour the coffee over the Kremlin. This
melted, let the froth in the cup on the surface of the coffee.
Mix well and serve our nice hot coffee.

A good rule is to serve the coffee with a glass of cool water to drink coffee first, to remove any other flavor, and prepare your taste buds to the taste of this sublime drink Italian, loved around the world ...
The origin of coffee is Italian, of course, but it seems that only we are prepared in this particular way.

Making coffee is almost a ritual that prepares the mind and body to receive the intoxicating taste ...
Oh, I'm talking as if the coffee I liked more, now ... ah ah!
But citing the words of a famous Italian actor, in a famous television advertising, "the coffee is a pleasure. If it is not B uono that pleasure??"
B uon coffee at all!

Monday, December 27, 2010

White Discharge B4 Period


for 4 people: 250 gr of pasta

type "rigatoni"
1 red pepper
5 / 6 tomatoes
a can of tuna in oil from 80 g
a clove of garlic, parsley

extra virgin olive oil
oil salt, pepper

Wash the peppers, remove seeds and stems, and cut into small pieces.
In a saucepan, cook the whole garlic, add the tomatoes, season with a pinch of salt, and simmer 10 minutes.
Add the peppers to cook for another 10 minutes.
Also add the crumbled tuna, season with salt and pepper. Bake 5 more minutes on high heat.
Cook pasta al dente, and dress with sauce with peppers and tuna, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Old Lady Cartoon On Healthcare

for 8 people:

a whole piece of "fragment" of veal 800 g
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 50 g margarine

2 small onions, white
6 oranges
salt, pepper, curry
a tablespoon of flour 00

In pressure cooker, melt margarine with oil, place the entire piece of meat, and cook over high heat, turning on all sides.
Add thinly sliced \u200b\u200bonions, and cook 5 minutes. Meanwhile
press oranges and collect the juice in a bowl. Sprinkle the meat
with orange juice.
Season with a pinch of curry powder, salt and freshly ground pepper.
Close the lid, and send the pot under pressure. From
whistle, lower the heat and cook about 40 minutes.
The meat should be cooked outside but still pink inside.
Slice the tenderloin, and place the slices on a serving plate.
Whisk the gravy, and if necessary, thicken with a tablespoon of flour, stirring well to avoid lumps.
Serve the sauce over the orange slices of roast.

Remember to vent the pressure cooker, before opening the cover!

Can A Microwave Be Damaged By A Magnet


for 4 people:

two bream of 400 g each 200 g of cherry tomatoes

a sprig of fresh parsley a clove of garlic

extra virgin olive oil salt, pepper

Remove the entrails and scales of fish.
Rinse in salt water, and make a cut on the side. This allows the optimal cooking of the fish!
Place the bream in an ovenproof dish, season with sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes, parsley and chopped garlic, salt, pepper and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
Bake in preheated oven at 220 degrees for about 20 minutes, or until it forms a crust on the skin of the fish.
Serve hot.

For this recipe, low in spices and herbs that may confuse the scent and taste of fish, you need the fresh fish! You know
recognize fresh fish?
First of all, the smell: it should smell of the sea!
Then look at the eye: it must be swollen, shiny and alive! If you see a white eye and sunken, the fish has at least 3 days ... not good! Also, check out the gills
: If you find traces of living blood red, the fish is fresh. Otherwise, if they are a deep red, and mucous membranes are dry, the fish is old!
Finally, fresh fish must have scales firmly attached to the body, should not be dry touch, and hold it with two fingers should remain firm ...
Good fishing!

Pokemon Will Migrating Fix Internal Battery


for 8 people:

dough calzone
turnovers and 200 grams of sliced \u200b\u200bham
200 grams of mozzarella
tomatoes 4 tablespoons olive oil mushrooms cardoncelli
4 tablespoons grated parmesan artichokes

extra virgin olive oil salt, oregano

Preheat oven to 220 °.
After 2 hours of rising, divide the dough into two parts and on a floured surface.
With rolling pin, roll out two thin, the diameter of a dish pizza about 36 cm.
Reduce the peeled tomatoes into pieces and run-off to make it lose most of the liquid.
Meanwhile, cut the ham into strips, mozzarella cubes, mushrooms cardoncelli into strips, cut the artichokes into wedges.
Line with the first disc of dough in a greased pan just oil.
Fill with ham and mozzarella, tomato, peeled, cardoncelli mushrooms, artichokes, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of grated parmesan and a pinch of oregano. Close
with the other disk of dough, sealing the edges and folding over the calzone.
Press all around with the tines of a fork, make holes and Ungern the surface with the dirty hand of extra virgin olive oil.
Cook at the bottom of a preheated oven at 220 degrees for 1 / 2 hour.
The surface of the calzone should be golden.
sure it is well done also below, then turn out to let it rest on a wooden cutting board for at least half an hour.

Dog Has Lump On Groin

Tagliatelle with cream of pumpkin and hazelnuts and castelmagno

Christmas is over.
But this does not mean that the opportunities to eat and party are finished! Ahead of us we still have the great feast and the last New Year's Eve, so I propose other festive recipes. This first course was designed for my Christmas Eve dinner. My family liked it, I hope you want try it and let me know if you have met your liking.

The only difficulty of this dish is that I have homemade pasta. So I would say that there are big issues that separate us from thought to the creation of the recipe. Let's see together how to do and you'll be amazed how easy it is to make pasta at home. Then stop buying because it is much better than good that you will come to you! The only care that you please, I beg you to respect is to buy a good meal. If you do not do your dough will be sticky and soggy. If you do not do the dough is elastic and can not work. But mainly, if I do not suffer for that and I'll find out one pound of pasta unsuccessful. The best flour you buy in the mills. Find, near where you live you will certainly find someone who grinds the wheat flour and get real, not powdery mixtures of dubious origin are the flour in the supermarket.

So the dish consists of noodles dyed with squid ink and served with a cream cheese and pumpkin Castelmagno. Above all dusted hazelnuts in small grains.

Ingredients for six people

4 medium eggs
400 g of flour
Sepia. is normally sold in pack. Use both doses for a black man who is second to none.
600 g pumpkin
100 g Castelmagno
A handful of nuts


Mix in a blender the flour, eggs and squid ink.

Voila! That's it! It was not that hard, right?

Now pass the pasta in the pasta machine and then when you got a thin, but not too much, pass it in accessories to make the noodles. Put them to dry on a cabaret of cardboard.

If all this operation it makes me want to cry ... well, buy some noodles with black in a deli or fresh pasta shops, but I disapprove.

Cook the pumpkin in the usual way in a microwave oven, which is covered with special film and baked for about 15 minutes.

Puree the pumpkin with the castelmagno.

When the water reaches the boil, plunge the pasta. It cooks in just one or two minutes. Drain thoroughly and season with pumpkin cream and extra virgin olive oil. Serve and sprinkle the hazelnuts that have been prepared pounded in a mortar. Castelmagno gives a pleasant aged flavor, crunchy nuts a good contrast with the creaminess of the pumpkin and the velvety softness of the noodles.

Bon appetit!


What Visors Fit On Lacrosse Helmets?


"The mustacciule"

Ingredients: 250 ml of cooked wine

50 g sugar 200 g almonds (or walnuts, or hazelnuts )
2 tablespoons grated orange peel
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

100 grams raisins 200 grams of flour and semolina

for the icing:
50 grams of dark chocolate
50 ml water 100 g sugar

Chop almonds in a blender, not too finely.
vincotto Mix and sugar, and boil in a saucepan.
Add almonds, raisins, orange peel powder, cinnamon and pepper. Do not be surprised
pepper, these sweets are to be spicy and stinging pepper must feel!
Pour into the saucepan of semolina flour and continue stirring. When the
vincotto absorb all the flour, the mixture detaches from the walls of the pot.
Allow to cool 5 minutes, then take the mixture and knead on a floured surface.
form long sausages with a diameter of 3 cm, and cut into pieces, keeping the knife sideways.
Squeeze all the pieces lightly with the palm of the hand, and place them in a pan covered with parchment paper.
Mostaccioli Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
should remain soft inside!
Separately, pour the water in a pan, the chocolate into pieces, and add sugar.
Cook over low heat, stirring with a spoon and melt the chocolate gently.
The glaze is ready when, taking a drop and holding in the fingers, form a thread.
With a silicone brush, brush the glaze all mostaccioli and quickly sprinkle with chocolate candies.
Let cool and serve.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Metabolism After Anorexia Recovery


Merry Christmas bloggers
Merry Christmas blog readers
Merry Christmas to all

Ps2 Hdloaderschematic

Bignè the cod and pepper sauce and balsamic

Meet the cold appetizer that will bring to the table tonight, December 24.
It 's a dish that plays on the double meaning "sweet or salted?".

This kind of presentation very much, I find it nice and tasty. Here we have a tower of cream puffs filled with a sauce made with cod, accompanied by pepper sauce and balsamic vinegar.
The cod and the cod are excellent products. The difference between the two is that one is a sun-dried and air. Lend themselves to an endless variety of recipes. The most famous is that of Vicenza, I really like gelato. The contrast matches for cream with peppers and balsamic vinegar to break the round taste of salt cod blended with mozzarella and olive oil greek novel. Yes, I have just arrived from Greece to witness the wedding of my husband, my dear Mrs. Voula, this oil product for their family consumption. It 's just broken, but does not taste "that links a little' too typical new oil. It has a very attractive emerald green color, smell just pinches. Perfect for this recipe.

Ingredients for a hearty appetizer

Two packages of cream puffs. This time I throw it in, wanting to publish the recipes live, I do not have time to do it myself.
A cod.
Oil extra virgin olive
Two mozzarella
Two red peppers
grated orange rind


Wash the cod with salt and leave to soak for two days, ideally in a container where it falls a little bit of water. More realistically change the water every time you remember.

Remove the skin so.

Frullatelo with two mozzarella, extra virgin olive oil, a generous grated nutmeg, grated orange peel half, correct salt if needed. My Sicilian oranges, my brother just arrived dall'aranceto: beautiful, organic and sweet.

Fill cream puffs.

create a tower as high as possible. Grated on the tower with the remaining half of orange to give the illusion of a fresh preparation.

Prepare the sauce. Cook until peppers are soft and two pieces with a clove of garlic, olive oil and salt.

Frullateli along with a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar Traditional Modena. Refrain surrogates.
To serve you can take two paths: either serve the sauce separately (which, I must say, facilitate the service) or, at the table, pour the sauce on the tower ... the choice is yours, I opt for the former.

Bon appetit!


Spaghetti Song Translation

Panettone Citron Pre

Thinking about Christmas, food-pairing concept leads ahead the cake, wonderful sweet Milan.

Panettone is a miracle of the white and should be eaten as is, and not without candied fruit, raisins, etc. without. Candied fruits and raisins are its good! To use this version only peel and candied citron.

It is definitely not a quick recipe, but you can not even difficult to define. Just one day.
I did yesterday, so that during the previous night could be hung ... as we shall see ... and tonight will be the crowning of the Christmas Eve dinner!

If you do not have the springform pan for the cake you can buy one like that that are on the cake purchased paper. E 'on sale to the best supermarkets and specialty stores in the paper and its derivatives. Buy one from a pound.


500 g of a mixture of 50% of flour 00 and Manitoba.
A cube of yeast
50 ml of milk
5 g of salt
160 g a knob of butter +
160 g of sugar
4 whole eggs and 3 egg
70 g of candied citron
The zest of a lime (instead of a lemon)
100 g of raisins.


Put the raisins to soak in water or, if you will, in a Marsala wine type.

Warm the milk and melt the cube of fresh yeast with a teaspoon of sugar. I recommend the milk is warm, not hot or kill the yeast! Add 100 g of flour mixture and work until you get a loaf of dough elastic consistency.

Cover with lid or foil, wrap in a towel, bring a heater and wait for an hour.

Add in that the dough, working well, 60 g sugar, 200 g of flour, two eggs and 60 g of butter at room temperature.
again covering, wrap, approached the heater and wait for two hours.

incorporate the latest ingredients in this order: two eggs and three egg yolks, 200 g of flour, remaining sugar, salt, butter, candied fruit, drained raisins and vanilla. For each new added ingredient follows a beautiful blending session to ensure a uniform result and worked.

Cover, wrap and closer to the heater. Let go another two hours.

Work briefly and the dough, forming a ball, place it into the mold.

Cover and place in warm about two hours, the mixture must reach the edges of the mold.
Let the air a quarter of an hour, so that the surface becomes drier and incidetevi a cross.
Cut remaining butter and place in the center.

Place the cake on the lowest shelf of the oven, along with a small bowl with water, so the cake does not dry out too much during cooking. Bake
10 ' to 200 degrees.
Reduce to 190 degrees and hold other 10 '.

Ultimate atria 30 ' firing at 175/180 degrees.

removed from the oven, devised a way to turn it over and let it cool upside down, in my case, all night. You can not avoid because ribaltaro all'nterno the dough is pleasantly soft and airy and we have to fight hard against the force of gravity it'll lump ... a bit 'as women do after 25.
I've stuck to the base with bamboo skewers and I have supported for a stack of glasses. Locked in a pantry is a necessary, since I have three cats ... very yummy and very polite

the next day will be wonderful ... I hope to wait until dinner!

Merry Christmas!
