Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Unavailable Vs Restrcited Call

Tiramisu Strawberry Tiramisu Cake

* ★ All suffering is passing and what you write is the greatest gift that life

can give you ... The Experience & Strength ★ *
By: ★ The Most Beautiful .. .. Link ★ (. Ally.)
Offi + to become stronger because you always suffer?

life with the lightness of a butterfly and the determination of a lion ..
M. Sari

Who has the courage to push the limits of its quality and

capacity discovers that life is a mine of surprises

tiramisu This suggested to me my sister Emily, she did it on Easter Sunday and I could not wait to do it again! Wonderful! Enjoy!

If you prefer a thicker cream Beat the egg whites with half the sugar and add the whipped cream, I love him so soft and I find it perfect!

Ingredients: 500 grams of mascarpone

6 medium eggs 90 g sugar + 2 tablespoons milk and strawberries for
400 grams of biscuits (or cookies you like, biscuit, Pavesini etc.).
alchermes for milk and sprinkle cookies

Separate the yolks from the whites. Surf Beat the egg yolks with sugar

Add the mascarpone and mounted a little 'cream.
Now put this cream in the fridge

Mount Snow steadfast after the egg whites with a pinch of salt.

Stir in the egg whites mounted Cream eggs and mascarpone, stirring from bottom to top with a wooden spoon for not removing the compound.
Combine 1 tablespoon coffee liqueur.

Take the strawberries, wash them well, put some aside for decoration, cut the other pieces in seasoned with a little 'sugar.
Now take out the cream and keep all the ingredients at hand. Soak
cookies with milk and alcherms and train a second layer add the strawberries into pieces and the mascarpone cream, continue with other biscuits dipped strawberries and cream.

decorate with remaining strawberries or whole as you like! Try
is really sensitive! Get

may be the shame of a minute,

can not ask the regret of a lifetime.
From: the white lion

Everyone knows from experience that it's easy to fall in love,

and love really is beautiful but difficult ...
Hermann Hesse

do not need to rip the pages of life, just knowing how to turn the page and start over.

Jim Morrison

something stupid from time to time helps man to live by magic
The Chocolate Factory ♥


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