Friday, May 28, 2010

Indoor Basketball Courts Near 07010

to three flavors!

There can be no deep disappointment where there is a deep love.
Martin Luther King Jr.
.** ♫ ♪ ✿ And I'd do what ever ...

.. now if it were not for you to invent this love .** ♫ ♪ ✿
And thou Claudio Baglioni
❤ ❤ If you were a tear, I do not cry for fear of losing you. ❤ ❤
Jim Morrison

Today biscuits for breakfast but with a little 'fantasy can become of sympathetic placeholder to enjoy with coffee at the end of a meal!
I saw this idea on "softer" and I found it very nice !
300 grams of flour 0
50 grams of starch
175 grams of butter (I 140 gr )
120 grams of sugar
1 egg, 1 egg
10 grams of cocoa
30 gr of flour with nuts (almonds I)

procedure :

Mix the flour, potato flour, butter, sugar, egg and egg yolk until blended.

Divide the dough into three parts: to add the cocoa, the other of the almond flour. Let the last piece of dough neutral.

Mix well, making the crust uniform. Allow to stand about 1 hour in refrigerator.

roll out the pastry and chocolate, with the cutter at heart, carve cookies. Spread in pastry and almond paste with cut square or a wheel engrave the second type of cookie.

On some biscuits cut a small hole, which then you use to make a placeholder.

With pastry neutral formed loaves of the thickness of a pen and 10-12 cm long.

Put all the cookies well apart on the plate protected with baking paper and bake at 180 degrees for 12 minutes.
Remove from the oven cookies and place them to cool on wire rack.
breakfast is ready! If you want us to
of placeholder make nice pass the tape over the hole and cookies legateci also the card with the name!
At the end of lunch you can enjoy with your coffee!

❤ ❤ kisses are not the same ... every kiss has its own flavor! ❤ ❤

❤ ❤ Love is like the beating of the heart, no one tells him beat ...

.. It so happens that you live without meaning to ... and without wanting to be loved! ❤ ❤
In silence we lie strong words that few people have the ability to listen

Gigi ........ but I'll look for romantic because you are!!

♫ ♪ I'll look like a castaway who finds a
'Island is inside if
tearing away the loneliness ahhh ...
digging and when the sun lights up everything around the hedges you

find how that source that feeds my thirst and then you
light created by God ... And
illuminating your prairie
be born in you as love is born
clenching your breasts will find the essence
warming my heart that colors my face
blush for you ... but when I love, love ... ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
... and then in the winter cold in my bed your body will heat,
I'll warm you I will keep you warm, I'll heat up ... ♫ ♪

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fsx Best Boeing Addon

tart with strawberries, cream and yoghurt

The moon told the Sun:

TI AMO .... the sun blushed and then came the sunset ...
By: Everything and More '

We are easy to ask, but not to thank.
Padre Pio
Of :°®¤,¸_¸,, WANT ø ¤ ø ¤ °®¤,¸_¸,, a wonderful life
I prefer solitude to COMPANY A FALSE!

tart taste very delicate, which I saw on the new "sweeter" in June.

Ingredients: Pastry

200 grams of flour 80 g sugar 100 g butter

2 eggs, 1 pinch of salt

7 grams of gelatin
250 g of fresh cream 150 g plain yogurt

100 grams of granulated sugar (I 80) 1

vanilla syrup for jelly:
100 ml of water, 80 grams of sugar

1 vial of vanilla flavor
8 gr of isinglass
(I used "cake gel Cameo"

Prepare the pastry by mixing the ingredients quickly indicated, without heating the paste. (I usually use the procedure of the mixer , mix flour and cold butter a few seconds then take off by the robot and add the eggs, and mix quickly)

Wrap the dough with plastic and let rest in refrigerator at least an hour.
Roll out the dough to 4mm thick and line the buttered mold or covered with parchment paper.

Trim the excess dough and prick with a fork.

Cover with foil, then fill it with beans (I put the stones that I bought specifically for this procedure).
Bake at 180 degrees and bake the shell for 20 minutes, then remove the paper and pebbles and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.

filling: soften the gelatin in cold water, then squeeze it. Bring to a boil in a saucepan with the cream, sugar and vanilla, then remove from the heat, making it incorporated the gelatin dissolve.

When cold add the yogurt and pour the filling into the pastry shell.

Refrigerate for at least an hour. Make the syrup: simmer to reduce for about 8 minutes the water and sugar, then melt the gelatin already soaked and squeezed. Remove from heat and flavored with vanilla and let it cool.

remove the tart from refrigerator and spread the cream on the strawberries into large pieces. Polished
fruit with thick layer of syrup and decorate with mint leaves.

the scraps of pastry here's the mini tart plums!

times are a flash!

And meanwhile the days go by ....

And memories fade .....

and habits change ...

Why αmore it fregα dellα logicα,

why αmore curα each mαlαttiα,

αmore why is a mystery and pαzziα!

You can not choose a dream,

you can not choose,

quαndo αrrivα you there's nothing you αrrivα dα fαre!
Jovanotti ❤ ❤ When I see you Stop thinking of
❤ ❤ ♥ Two souls never meet by chance ♥

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Do I Get My Ontario Hunting License

❤ ❤ There are special people who can communicate every little

thing .. sometimes with just a glance or a smile ❤ ❤

• Nobody deserves your tears and who deserves them will not ever pay you the
By: everything and more

The smile is a medicine,

pity that it is little used;

also embrace is therapeutic, but this

we even almost forgot.

By: FREE IN ---- Thoughts and Words
Kahlil Gibran

Ingredients: 3 eggs

2 oranges (juice and grated rind)
12 tablespoons of flour

12 tablespoons sugar 6 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon baking

1 tablespoon Grand Marnier


Grate the orange, meanwhile, beat the eggs with sugar,

until they become beautiful foamy, add the flour, juice, oil, liquor, the grated rind and yeast

Put the mixture in a buttered text and sprinkle over the sugar and some decoration (in this case I used the stars of sugar)

Bake at 160 degrees for 30 minutes, let cool on a rack and serve! You must try
is fluffy and fragrant!

the morning when you wake up and face the daily obstacles of life ......

.............. always think that if you put in your gestures and your words,

love in everything you do, the rest comes by itself!

The beauty and charm goes ..... Class ..... ARE !!!!!

Indeed, at times increase much ....
By: Links finest. - Antonio Stier -

❤ ❤ Simply living is not enough.

There is also need of the sun, freedom and a little flower.

Hans Christian Andersen

destroyed When you think of me ..

.... I still get up in the air and I'll be stronger than before.

As I watch another night coming on, I hear the whispers of the heart that I speak of new sensations e. ..

... the emotions take shape in shades of a rainbow, so my sky turns of your thinking