Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Kind Of Cm Is Small White Clumps

black olives fried offal, TO BARESE

"The fried offal"

for 4 people: 500 gr

veal offal (liver, lung, heart ..)
1 onion 1 clove garlic white

extra virgin olive oil 1 / 2 cup dry white wine 250 gr of peeled tomatoes

the tip of a hot pepper

Cut into chunks of veal offal.
If you are easily impressionable, maybe it's better if you do this job from your butcher, at the time of purchase ..
Thinly slice the onion and brown, with whole garlic, 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil.
Add the giblets, and cook over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
Sprinkle with wine and let evaporate, then add the tomatoes and chilli.
Cook over low heat, without lid, for about 15 minutes.
The sauce should thicken slightly.
At the end of cooking, remove the garlic and chilli.
Serve hot, accompanied with a side of mashed potatoes.

I know it sounds ugly dish, but here in Bari is used to eat the offal, which we call "Coratella" even roast.
They are called "Nghjimerjidde" and pieces of liver, lung and heart, wrapped in the guts of the lamb, fragrant with parsley and bay leaves.
A pinch of salt and pepper to complement the flavor of a traditional dish and old, who is still attractive for tourists, and more!
Often, during the Easter holidays, when consumption is high lamb, these rolls can be enjoyed even on the street offal, cooked over hot coals.
The perfume that spreads through the streets is delightful, for meat lovers, and special dishes.

This recipe, with beef offal, is a variant often cooked at home, throughout the year, which allows you to absorb iron and protein. A plate
cheap, but rich, hearty dinner.


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