Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Magkano Eyebrow Piercing


When two souls are,

you find compatible and complementary ,

be made to include one for the other, to be similar,

is established between them forever.

From ♥ Two souls never meet by chance ♥

With all the efforts you make, sometimes it's useless to erase from his mind ..

.. what love has written and recorded in the heart


♥ ♥ .. A heart can not know a mind, but just another heart ...
( Colette Haddad )

Ingredients: 100 gr
of corn flakes
150 gr
sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
100 gr butter, softened 3 eggs

400 gr
flour 1 tablespoon baking
50 100 ml of milk
gr candied orange

Reduce corn flakes crumbs in with a meat pounder or with a mortar, and put them in a bowl , along with sugar, vanilla sugar and softened butter in small pieces. Stir, mixing the ingredients, then add 2 eggs one at a time and stir again.

Frino Sift together with baking powder and salt, then add it in 2 or 3 times prior to the mixture, adding a little milk to soften the dough, if it were to become too large.

spread the candied orange and knead again until the mixture is well bound. In the end, knead with hands on floured work surface, then take a loaf and wrap in plastic wrap. Put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

After the rest period, flatten the dough with your hands to form a rectangle the same size of the mold. Grease and flour it, and Lie down the disk of dough spennellatene the surface with milk and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake in preheated oven to 180 degrees and cook for 40 minutes. If the end had too much color, cover with a sheet of aluminum foil.
Remove the cake from the oven, the mold and slide on wire rack to cool it.
Very good, crisp and crunchy!
can not decide who to love ... is something that you can not do ...

..... when you love someone and you love it enough, without compromise and fear!!
by: Enchanting Star Shines For Me
You are the star so far away from me but so close to my heart,

but you are the star that I can never touch ...
by: Enchanting Star Shines For Me
* What do you look? A moment that is worth a life *
by: Enchanting Star Shines For Me
I thought that when you meet a person, the meeting creates new things.

gives rise to thoughts, thoughts, feelings and actions, which belong only to the two

people have encountered.

love flowing between them must always be lived through, at any time.

Until the end. Why love when traveling, when it is lived is light

and feel light, but if it is locked, if you do not live becomes lead.
❤ ❤ Fabio Volo Fabio

Flight: Women in rebirth.


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