Monday, April 19, 2010

Brookstone Helicopter Trouble

Easter Friulian

That's nice when silence and solitude communicate through language
by: Dolce Luna ♥ ♥ ♥

Their lips were four roses on a stem, and their summer beauty kissed each other.
Happiness is a choice. Acceptance is a choice.

Forgiveness is a choice. Anger is a choice.

Love is a choice. Life is a choice.

Your time: your choice!

(Zen Proverb)

500 g flour 3 eggs

g butter 125 g sugar
80/90 oz milk 1 vanilla

30 grams of yeast
30 ml of rum 1 pinch of salt

To decorate:
apricot jelly
granulated sugar

Mix the yeast with 50 grams of warm milk and 100 grams of flour. Work with a wooden spoon to make smooth paste, then cover it and let it rise for 60 minutes.

Work the eggs (without mounting) with sugar and vanilla, then add the melted butter and cold milk and the rest of the loaf. Add the remaining flour and salt. Mix in flavoring along with liquor.

The dough should be soft and a bit 'sticky.
Prepare a loaf of bread, put it in a floured bowl, protect with plastic wrap and let double the volume.

again the dough, modellatela in a round loaf and cut a three-point cut in the center.
Put the clamp on plate lined with baking paper, protect it with a cloth and let rise until doubled in volume.

Bake the cake at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes, then baked let cool on wire rack.
brush the caliper with the warm apricot jelly and sprinkle with granulated sugar.

I eat it so easy for breakfast tomorrow morning!
While my children will enjoy with Nutella!
But you can also serve it with whipped cream.

There is only one harvest to the heart.

The seed of love must be constantly re-seeding.
(Anne Morrow Lindbergh)

♫ ♥ ♪ In my own way I need strokes too.

In my own way I need to dream, too.

My way is what I wanted myself.
♫ ♥ ♪
Lucio Dalla (Ron), Piazza Grande

❤ ❤ Everyone has a pair of wings but only those who dream of learning to fly. ❤ ❤
Jim Morrison
He or she who shuns passion,

who wants only black on white, dotting the

rather than a set of emotions;

emotions that make your eyes glimmer,

those who make a mistake a smile,

those that make the beat

heart before the errors and feelings!

.... who does not listen to music,

who does not find grace and peace in himself.

... Let's avoid death in small doses,

reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort

far greater than the simple act of breathing! ...

"Pablo Neruda"


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